Mayenne Departement Council

As part of a Low Carbon Agenda at county level, the sustainable development and mobilities Service of the Mayenne Département works in the areas of energy and ecological transition and sustainable development (biodiversity, environments and landscapes, water and waste water, energies, waste and circular economy, sustainable mobility and health safety).

Mayenne county covers a surface area of 5,175 km2 and agriculture is a particularly important sector for the Mayenne economy (2nd largest beef meet producer, 5th largest pork producer, 4th largest milk producer and 11th largest poultry producer).

Mayenne Département Council is committed to water resource management. It is responsible for the Local River Basin Management Plan for the Mayenne river basin (from its sources to the confluence with the river Maine).

It also manages a low-water replenishment reservoir of three million cubic metres which it owns in the north of the county’s area. This reservoir is called the “Lac de Haute Mayenne”. This lake is crucial for low-water replenishment of the river Mayenne which is the primary source of drinking water for the county.

The reservoir and its river basin were identified in the Loire Bretagne RBMP (provision 3B1) as an area where actions have to be undertaken to reduce erosion and phosphorus transfers. Mayenne Département Council is therefore committed to the LIFE REVERS’EAU project by managing an action aimed at reducing erosion and phosphorus transfers in this area  (C8 action).

Discover the action led by the Mayenne Departement Council

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