Description of the action
This action is broken down into several sections :
1- Characterisation of phosphorus stocks and of the reactivity of sediments in the different estuary compartments
This work will be conducted on the basis of sampling in the field (oceanographic campaigns) and laboratory studies.
2- Quantification of phosphorus stocks and kinetics of mobilisation of inherited phosphorus by spatial and temporal modelling This task will be conducted based on the sampling work undertaken in point 1. Times series will also be determined.Satellite and airborne images will also be studied
3- Governance and recommendations for reducing the impact of phosphorus on the generation of hypoxia episodes
This work aims to present the results along and to provide material for the strategic directions taken for water bodies.
Main results expected
Estuary institutional stakeholder awareness (information letters)
Participation in a congress to present the results of the study
Publication of 2 scientific articles
Organisation of an event for estuary institutional and non-institutional stakeholders
List of recommendations to limit or make up for hypoxia in the Loire estuary (strategic diagnostic report)