Description of the action
This action is broken down into several sections :
1- Governance actions
Local governance structures will be set up in view of widely associating elected stakeholders but also professionals, water users, and the French State. This would therefore enable consultation between stakeholder groups to be organised to encourage the implementation of actions.
2- Actions to acquire knowledge and communicate on and share issues
Among other things, these approaches concern monitoring of biodiversity and water quality and creation of tools or events designed to raise awareness. The goal is to facilitate understanding of actions undertaken and to clarify their usefulness for good water status
3- Land planning actions
The driving forces behind and obstacles to restoration of ecological continuity will be studied. This will especially facilitate work on lakes, hedge systems, and hydraulic works etc.

Main results expected
Creation of 2 governance bodies
Awareness-raising: 25 elected representatives and 650 inhabitants in the Chéran, organisation of 6 events as part of a participative action called “5 years to save the Chéran”
Work implementation: 6 lakes bypassed or removed , creation of 21 pools and 7 buffer zones, removal of 8 thresholds on watercourses and 60% reduction in terracing, return of 5 km of watercourses to their natural state
Support to 70 farmers in planting 28 km of hedgerows
5 conscientious farmers to test new practices in agriculture, soil conservation and organic farming
10 municipalities have received help to set up developments in favour of infiltration and to improve water quality in urban areas
Analysis of the citizens’ perception of aquatic environments, analysis of levers to support the creation of buffer zones
Impact analysis of the action on water quality and biodiversity