Supported by the Pays de la Loire Region as part of the REVERS’EAU IP, this initiative aims to increase the level of awareness of water issues among high school students, their families and teachers. The experimentation phase with pilot high schools has been launched!
Based on the observation that the theme of water remains under-represented in the projects carried out by high schools, this action aims to complete the existing educational proposal on the theme of water and to facilitate access to it throught the creation of a turnkey educational kit for teachers and students.
Comprising an à la carte Module and an Escape game, this educational kit is currently being tested in pilot high schools across the regional territory. Since November 2023, the GRAINE network, selected as service provider, has been testing the Teaching Module in 5 schools.
The Olivier Guichard high school in Guérande, the MFR de l’Oudon in Craon and the agricultural high school du Haut-Anjou in Château-Gontier sur Mayenne have already started the first sessions. The André-Malraux high schools in Allonnes and the Saint François d’Assise high school in La Roche-sur-Yon will join the experiment from January 2024.
The evaluation carried out by teachers and students will enable us to adjust the content of this Educational Module, with the aim of rolling it out to all 280 high schools present in the regional territoruy from the start of the new school year.