The fourth committee meeting for the LIFE REVERS’EAU project partners was held on 27th of November 2023.
The project parteners met at the Hotel de Region in Nantes to discuss on the project’s progress, at the end of this year. This metting was the perfect occasion to present the project’s news since the last meeting, back in early 2022. This was also the place to introduce the actions lead by the project’s partners.
The EPTB Sèvre Nantaise presented the final version of its action, consisting in raising awareness of water resource issues among hikers on the banks of the Sèvre River through five landscape installations.
The EPTB Eaux et Vilaine and our new partner Le Mans Métropole also introduced their recent actions, meaning a study on the impact of climate change on water resource management and the implementation of appropriate tools, as well as the restoration of ecological continuity on the Huisne at Le Mans.
This meeting was also the occasion to present the actions the Region is leading to the project’s partners.