Steering committee meeting for the adaptation project of 15 hydraulic structures aiming to restore the ecology of two rivers

The pilot committee of the action adapting 15 structures to restore the ecological continuity of two watercourses was held on Friday the first of December.

The SMVSA leads an action in the context of the LIFE REVERS’EAU project. This action aims to adapt 15 hydraulic structures in order to restore the ecological continuum of two of their watercourses.

The long-term  aim of this action is to re-establish the passage of fish species from the Atlantic Ocean to the source of the Longèves. This applies to both migratory species such as eels, shad and sea lamprye, but also more sedentary (or holobiotic) species such as pike. This action is also about testing specific arrangements (crossing and management systems) on the Longèves river and on the downstreams damps. The last goal is to spread this all this knowledge and expertise about those specific environments to other waterstakeholders.

The meeting allowed to share the first five scenarios, specifically for the structures on the Cinq Abbe waterstream (la Perle) and the Vendee channel (Boule d’or, Massigny), as well as road structures at the head of the catchment are in the Bourneau and Marsais Ste Radégonde towns.

The first works could be lanched as soon as next summer (2024). Given the SMVSA subscribed to the LIFE REVERS’EAU project and the Contrat Territorial Eau Vendée Longèves, it has financing from the European Commission and both the Région Pays de la Loire and the Agence de l’Eau Loire-Bretagne, as well as their support.

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