On August 24, the first samples and in situ measurements in the “étiers” (system of channels) and stormwater outlets were carried out by Elise COIGNOT, project manager at the Baie de Bourgneuf basin board (SMBB).
These samples are taken as part of the LIFE REVERS’EAU project. Their objective is to improve knowledge of the physico-chemical and bacteriological quality of the water flowing from the watershed into the Bay of Bourgneuf. The latter is indeed subject to contamination of bacterial origin. They will be carried out on a regular basis every two weeks and on an ad hoc basis depending on environmental conditions (rain, wind, tidal coefficient, etc.) or depending on specific cases (visual pollution, anthropogenic discharge, etc.).
Thanks to the support of IFREMER, the SMBB now performs bacteriological analyzes at the Bouin station. IFREMER provides its premises and part of its equipment. The first results are already showing and the SMBB, which has greater responsiveness, is now on the lookout for contamination.
Ultimately, the objective is to develop a “land / sea” synergy in order to put in place actions to limit the input of bacteria into the bay to guarantee good quality of coastal waters and shellfish. The goal is also to improve the quality of fresh water upstream of the bay. Indeed, the management measures will potentially act on the inputs of various molecules such as phosphorus and / or pesticides.

Photos illustrant deux Petrifilms après incubation de deux échantillons d’eau pluviale. Les points bleus représentent les colonies bactériennes (Escherichia coli).