The basin board has remits for management of water environments and flood risk (GEMAPI), tackling diffuse pollution, dealing with hydraulic structures, quantitative management and coordination of the river basin. It leads the Oudon basin board’s local water commission.
The Oudon basin board is able to implement a multi-disciplinary approach in the LIFE REVERS’EAU project due to:
- Cross-cutting remits for the “large water cycle” / protection of groundwater and surface water,
- Elected representatives on the ground,
- Skilled practicioners in its various areas of activity,
- Good knowledge of its area,
- Experience of working with local stakeholders (local authorities, organisations, fishing federation, State agencies, etc.).
As part of the LIFE REVERS’EAU project, the Oudon basin board will apply this multi-disciplinary approach to the Chéran sub-river basin (C11b action).
Discover the action led by the Oudon basin board