Supported actions
Raising awareness in high schools
Description of the action This action is broken down into several sections : 1- Co-construction of a programme This involves identifying the structuring elements of the educational kit to be used. This work is led in collaboration with the sector stakeholders. 2- Identification of pilot high schools These high schools will be pilot high schools, which […]
Partenaire : Pays de la Loire Regional Council (Conseil régional des Pays de la Loire - CRPDL)
Raising public awareness via walking trails
Description of the action This action is broken down into several sections : 1- Validation of 5 preselected sites and work The action takes the form of 5 permanent landscape and educational facilities, developed over the five loops of the GRP (interdepartmental long-distance hiking route). For each site, it will involve defining the themes and […]
Partenaire : Local public organisation in charge of basin management in the Sèvre Nantaise region (SN EPTB)
Call for projects directed at local authorities
Description of the action This action is broken down into several sections : 1- Compilation of the call for proposals Work will thus begin to refine the framework for the future call for proposals which will take place in 2023. 2- Release of the call for projects and selection of actions The actions selected will […]
Partenaire : Pays de la Loire Regional Council
Mobilisation of residents
Description of the action This action is broken down into several sections : 1- Reliance on an existing not-for-profit organisation Exchange on good practice developed, identification of obstacles and leverage, of methods etc. 2- Implementation of participative work sites 3 participative work sites involving residents will be organised. Partnerships between the stakeholders involved in the […]
Partenaire : Erdre and Gesvres District Council
Loire estuary function
Description of the action This action is broken down into several sections : 1- Characterisation of phosphorus stocks and of the reactivity of sediments in the different estuary compartments This work will be conducted on the basis of sampling in the field (oceanographic campaigns) and laboratory studies. 2- Quantification of phosphorus stocks and kinetics of […]
Partenaire : Angers University (Université d’Angers - UA), Planetology and Geosciences laboratory
Support for stakeholders in reducing the impact of drainage
Description of the action This action is broken down into several sections : 1- Fine analysis of drained sectors in the Authion valley This work will lead to a map representing the scope of the action and to drained plots in the area concerned. Therefore an inventory of the drained sectors will be made along […]
Partenaire : Authion basin board
Assessment of the impact of climate change on water resource
Description of the action This action is broken down into several sections : 1- Evaluation of the hydrological processes impacted by climate change A PhD thesis will be written on local analysis on the scale of the project’s target “sub-basins”. This is why significant modelling work, taking climatological aspects but also anthropic factors into account, […]
Partenaire : Vilaine EPTB
Returning Trézon water bodies to their natural state
Description of the action This action is broken down into several sections: 1- Work to return the watercourses to their natural state This involves optimising their self-purifying capacities. Natural conditions essential to site clean-up (maintenance of woodlands, widening of deep ditches, remeandering, diversification of water flows, removal of small works on watercourses etc.) will thus […]
Partenaire : Sèvre Nantaise EPTB
Hydromorphological restoration of the Gué Chatenay water body
Description of the action This action is presented in several sections: 1- Lake impact analysis The impact of lakes and morphological restoration of small stream systems will be monitored (river basin fitted with measurement devices, water quality analysis etc.). A zero state will therefore be carried out in 2021. 2- Work implementation All owners will […]
Partenaire : Vendée Département Council (CD85)